November 7th & 8th, 2025
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Why Open Matters: HP and OpenStack.

SeaGL 2013

HP’s public and private cloud products are built using OpenStack. The OpenStack project has rapidly been adopted as the leading open source cloud solution because it avoids vendor lock-in, and it’s inclusive development model has attracted enthusiastic contributors, and so is becoming ubiquitous across public, managed, and private clouds. Ten years ago, HP bet big on open source by backing Linux when it was new and untrusted by enterprise users. Today, HP continues that policy by backing OpenStack. We will present how we got here, and where HP is investing in OpenStack’s future.

Brian Aker is currently a Fellow at HP, working on Cloud Services. Prior to joining HP, he was a Distinguished Engineer at Sun Microsystems, where he instigated the Drizzle Database project and accelerated the development of Gearman and Memcached. He was the Director of Engineering at MySQL AB, where he helped pioneer distributed software development and corporate open source. He continues to maintain several open source projects, including Gearman, Drizzle, and libmemcached. He is an O’Reilly author, and is a frequent public speaker at technical events.


Brian Aker

Brian Aker