November 7th & 8th, 2025
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Automate Yo'Self

SeaGL 2016

Fine-tuning your development environment means more than just getting your editor set up just so – it means finding and setting up a variety of tools to take care of the mundane housekeeping chores that you have to do – so you have more time to program, of course! I’ll share the benefits of a number of yak shaving expeditions, including using App::GitGot to batch manage all your git repos, App::MiseEnPlace to automate getting things just so in your working environment, smartcd to handle project-specific environment settings, and the Silver Searcher to speed up your code diving.


John SJ Anderson

John SJ Anderson, Infinity Interactive

John is the VP of Technology for Infinity Interactive, a technology consultancy and bespoke software development shop. When he’s not madly trying to keep up with the pace of change in Javascript development, maintaining Perl modules, or tweaking his Emacs config, he likes to play around with new languages like Swift and Rust and write about himself in the third person.