November 7th & 8th, 2025
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OpenStack for Humans

SeaGL 2016

OpenStack is Open Source cloud software. It is used by huge corporations, elite operations teams, and free software fanatics. But what about humans? OpenStack can be used by regular humans too! In this talk I’ll introduce OpenStack, answering all those questions about what OpenStack is, and what it does. Then, I’ll give some brief tutorials on how to use to OpenStack, tutorials that can be understood by a human. Simple, concrete tasks will be demonstrated by the audience, who can go away ready to put their new knowledge to work. Whatever your ‘appetite’ for cloud is, whatever your budget and size needs, there is an OpenStack powered cloud for you.


Spencer Krum

Spencer Krum, IBM

Spencer is a developer advocate inside IBM’s Digital Business Group. He has worked in several Open Source communities including Vox Pupuli and OpenStack. Spencer helped with the DevOps meetup in Portland as well as DevOpsDays PDX. Now living in Minneapolis, Spencer is a data scientist in training, working on the rich data produced by competitive esports. Spencer has been speaking and writing on tech since 2013.