November 7th & 8th, 2025
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Packer: Make Multi-Platform Images

SeaGL 2016

Packer is free/open (MPL2) software from HashiCorp for creating multiple machine and container images from a single configuration source. It allows you to take one input such as an ISO and have multiple outputs, such as VirtualBox, AWS, Google, Docker, etc. and is an important step in automating you infrastructure.

This talk is an intro talk about Packer and where it fits in with other software dealing with things such as virtualization, containers, configuration management, and continuous deployments. It would fit well in a track related to DevOps, Cloud, Systems engineering and automation. I previously gave this talk at Southeast Linuxfest, where it went over well to a crowded room.


Garrett Honeycutt

Garrett Honeycutt, Tailored Automation

Garrett Honeycutt, Principal at Tailored Automation, has been working with open source software and spreading its merits for over twenty years. He is passionate about automating systems and teaching others. Regularly sharing his experiences, he has had the opportunity to speak at conferences across the globe and now organizes DevOpsDays Indianapolis.