November 7th & 8th, 2025
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Serving Secrets Securely

SeaGL 2016

How do you securely provide sensitive information to automated systems without typing in passphrases at 2 in the morning? Bri will discuss the ways he allows headless daemons to access secrets with minimum security impact. Topics will include ssh and gpg agents, encfs partitions, full disk encryption (including remote unlock), hashicorp vault, LastPass, the simple socket secret provider (Open Sourcing today!) and others.


Bri Hatch

Bri Hatch, ExtraHop Networks

Bri Hatch is Director of IT at ExtraHop Networks, and Chief Hacker at Onsight, Inc. An adamant Open Source advocate and security buff, Bri is the author of Hacking Linux Exposed, Building Linux VPNs, and numerous online articles on the topics of Linux, security, and coding. He has been securing and breaking into systems since before he traded in his Apple II+ for his first Unix system.