November 7th & 8th, 2025
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Platform Agnostic and Self Organizing Software Packages

SeaGL 2017

One of the dreams of development is to build a software package once, then be able to deploy it anywhere. With current Open Source projects this dream is closer than ever. Come to this talk to learn how to create software packages that run (almost) anywhere. You will see how the same application can be run on bare metal, on a VM, or in a container - with everything needed to automate that application already built into the package itself. This even works with a mixed infrastructure - metal for your static compute heavy loads, vms for your persistent data stores, and ephemeral short lived containers for you applications managed by Kubernetes or other container scheduling services.

Come to this talk to also learn how to build and deploy these packages with the intelligence to self organize into topologies, no central orchestrator needed. Learn how the dream of platform agnostic and self organizing packages is fulfilled today and where it will evolve in the future.


Nell Shamrell

Nell Shamrell,

Nell Shamrell-Harrington is a Principal Software Engineer at Chef and core maintainer of the Habitat Open Source project. She is also CTO of Operation Code - a non-profit dedicated to teaching software engineer skills to Veterans that heavily creates and uses open source. Additionally, she has been a technology volunteer for multiple political campaigns. She specializes in Chef, Ruby, Rails, Rust, DevOps, and Regular Expressions and has traveled the world speaking on these topics. Prior to entering the world of software development, she studied and worked in the field of Theatre. The world of theatre prepared her well for the dynamic world of creating software applications - especially in the Open Source world. In both Theatre and Software Development she strives to create a cohesive and extraordinary experience. In her free time she enjoys practicing the martial art Naginata.