November 7th & 8th, 2025
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ROI: Return on Inclusion

SeaGL 2017

FLOSS community leaders and participants seeking to promote diversity and inclusion within their community must contend with the collective inertia of the status quo. How much should committed communities be prepared to invest in order to overcome this inertia? And, how can they measure and justify their success?

My presentation will examine the social and financial costs FLOSS communities have incurred when promoting diversity and inclusion, and the return on those investments. I will focus on the experiences of a particular FLOSS project, and discuss their challenges and successes.


Tony Sebro

Tony Sebro, Software Freedom Conservancy

Tony Sebro is an attorney with experience relating to free and open source software, copyright, trademark, patent, and nonprofit law matters. Tony currently serves as General Counsel of Software Freedom Conservancy, a public charity dedicated to educating, empowering, and defending communities that develop free and open source software. Before joining Conservancy, Tony handled legal and business matters relating to intellectual property, both in private practice with PCT Law Group and with Kenyon & Kenyon, and as a business development executive with IBM’s Technology and Intellectual Property group.

Tony resides in New York, NY with his wife, Beth, and their son, Ezra.