November 7th & 8th, 2025
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The Career Changing Magic of Writing It Up

Keynote SeaGL 2017

Rikki is an editor and community manager for where she mentors writers and helps people tell their tech stories. Previously she worked as a community evangelist on the Open Source and Standards team at Red Hat. Other hats she has worn include: tech journalist; community manager for the USENIX Association; associate publisher of Linux Pro Magazine, ADMIN, and Ubuntu User; and managing editor of Sys Admin magazine and In 2016 she won an O’Reilly Open Source Award for her tireless work to build a vibrant, creative and well-documented open source community. Follow her on Twitter: @rikkiends


Rikki Endsley

Rikki Endsley,

Rikki Endsley is a community manager and editor for, and a 2016 recipient of an O’Reilly Open Source Award. In the past, she worked as a community evangelist on the Open Source and Standards team at Red Hat; freelance tech journalist; community manager for the USENIX Association; associate publisher of Linux Pro Magazine, ADMIN, and Ubuntu User; and as the managing editor of Sys Admin magazine and Follow her on Twitter: @rikkiends.
