November 7th & 8th, 2025
Love SeaGL and want to help out? Get Involved

Your Solution Is Not My Problem

SeaGL 2017

When you attend a conference, you’re likely to see some really inspiring talks about how the speaker uses a particular technology or infrastructure stack. “Wow!” you think, “I’m going to go back to the office and try that out just like the speaker did it!”

Before you do that, come see THIS talk. It hopefully will convince you that while your current infrastructure or solution isn’t perfect, it may be exactly what you need while the shiny new solution you just learned about may not be a good fit at all.

This talk will teach you:

* How to discover the pain points in your infrastructure
* How to determine the needs of your company & your team
* How to apply this information to make an informed technology judgement call


Gareth J. Greenaway

Gareth J. Greenaway