November 7th & 8th, 2025
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Insecure Connections: Love and mental health in our digital lives

Keynote SeaGL 2018

The lens through which we view–and know–what it means to love, to be ourselves, and to connect with others is now backed by microchips and millions of lines of code. As our lives continue to become increasingly managed by our devices, we need to ask ourselves what we’re gaining–and what we’re giving up–by allowing technology into the spaces that make our hearts ache and that keep us up at night.

This talk will weave together two narratives essential to many people: health and love. It will examine the ways in which both of these topics have become entwined with computing, what that means for us as individuals, and what that means for our individual and societal user freedoms.


M. de Blanc

M. de Blanc

M. de Blanc is the Strategic Initiatives Manager at the GNOME Foundation. As a member of the Debian Project, she works on the Community Team. She was a director on the Open Source Initiative Board of Directors and served as President of the Board. She is a graduate student of bioethics at New York University. She is interested in digital ethics, ethics of technology, autonomy and consent, and really quite a number of other things. She lives with a cat named Bash who swears he has never been fed before.
