November 7th & 8th, 2025
Love SeaGL and want to help out? Get Involved
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Demystifying Contributor Culture: IRC, Mailing Lists, and Netiquette for the 21st Century

SeaGL 2020

Want to contribute to an Open Source project, but don’t know what to expect or how to navigate the new contributor process? You’re not alone! Much of the culture and tools used to participate in upstream communities is often shrouded behind in-knowledge and unfamiliar to new contributors. This session will draw back the curtain on these topics so that new developers and experienced professionals alike can make their first Open Source contributions with confidence.

Attendees will get answers to questions like:

  • Aren’t Open Source communities just a bunch of strangers on the internet? How do you communicate and get anything done?
  • IRC and mailing lists? Does anyone really still use those things anymore?
  • No one is responding to my messages/posts/PRs, what gives?
  • What is a day in the life of a project maintainer like?


Jill Rouleau

Jill Rouleau, Red Hat

Jill Rouleau is a Sr Software Engineer on the Ansible Cloud Engineering team. When they’re not busy using Ansible to bring order to the cloud, they can be found baking all manner of patisserie and confectionery.
