November 7th & 8th, 2025
Love SeaGL and want to help out? Get Involved
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FLOSS and you

SeaGL 2020

User freedom addresses software licensing from the perspective of those using the software.

What are advantages and disadvantages of different licensing models in relation to user freedom?

How does licensing impact individuals, organizations and businesses as we use software?

How does software distribution ( packages, cloud, bundled in a product ) impact user freedom?

The presentation and ensuing conversation is about user freedom and the impact of the software we choose to use.

It’s a consideration of the everyperson relationship with software licensing.

Attendees will consider how the following relate to them:

  • software usage models
  • the four freedoms of Free Software
  • the open source development model
  • strong and weak copyleft



der.hans, Object Rocket

der.hans is a Free Software, technology and entrepreneurial veteran.

He’s chairman of the Phoenix Linux User Group (PLUG), BoF organizer for the Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE), and founder of the Free Software Stammtisch and Stammtisch Job Nights.

Currently, he’s a Customer Data Engineer at Object Rocket. Most likely anything he says publicly was not approved by $dayjob.
