November 7th & 8th, 2025
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The Leaky Pipeline

SeaGL 2022

Women and people of color have always been under-represented in open source and by extension STEM. Somewhere along their educational journey, girls and people of color who initially were interested in STEM are no longer considering it as a career choice. Aarti Ramkrishna is an award-winning educator from the state of Oregon; who is building equity focused classroom curricula for school districts from Kindergarten - 5th grade. While building this curriculum, Aarti will discuss her observations of children and adults and how racism and misogyny permeates education and why there is a leaky pipeline that blocks potential amazing humans from entering or thriving in STEM. Be prepared for a powerful emotional journey from an expert in DEI.


Aarti Ramkrishna

Aarti Ramkrishna
