November 7th & 8th, 2025
Love SeaGL and want to help out? Get Involved

Thanks for Making the Fourth SeaGL Amazing!

Thanks to everyone who helped make SeaGL amazing this year! We had lots of new sponsors and lots of returning sponsors that helped us provide coffee and donuts on both days, lunch on Saturday and pay for our lovely post-conference party. Sponsors also allow us to keep SeaGL a free as in cost (as well as a free as in freedom) event for attendees. We especially owe a huge debt to Seattle Central College. Their ongoing involvement allows us to keep running SeaGL as a grass-roots conference.

We had a really great line-up of speakers this year. Some people joined us from a few blocks away while others travelled from Indianapolis, Raleigh and even Lima, Peru. We had a wide range of topics from the practical; how to write a technical resume or compile your first kernel to specific; how to use IRC or understanding API’s. We also had talks that were more inspirational in nature on topics like the mission of free software or how to get amazing things done with volunteers. Our keynotes assured that us failure is ok and that we can be the future of free software. We could not be more pleased with this year’s content and look forward to sharing it with you as video in the coming weeks.

Thanks to everyone who attended SeaGL. Especially those of you who spent the day tabling and talking passionately about your organization or your workplace. We also appreciate everyone who invited their friends, colleagues and fellow user group goers. As a small conference, word of mouth is a crucial part of how we grow SeaGL each year.

Finally, I’d like to express what an honor it is to work with so many smart, dedicated and thoughtful volunteers. People woke up early to fetch coffee, they did unfun things like taking out the garbage or running back upstairs for the fifth time in an hour. They learned new things on the fly so they could get the talks recorded or make updates to this website. They asked for support from our community for cash and time and donations. They answered questions – large and small – from speakers, attendees, students and others. They did a lot of toting and carrying.

SeaGL is truly a community effort. I want to take this moment to thank everyone who helped make this year’s event happen, whether you attended every single weekly organizing call or hopped in to help when you arrived at Seattle Central.

I can’t wait to do it all again with you next year! Really!


Contact us either by emailing or visiting us on IRC on Freenode in #seagl.