November 7th & 8th, 2025
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SeaGL Talk Proposal Response Emails

Many months ago I had a request to share our CFP accept/decline/waitlist emails. Since a lot of conferences have to send these out, I figured I’d share them publicly here rather than share them with a single person.

As with all SeaGL materials, these are licensed CC BY-SA, so feel free to use and remix them however you and your event needs.

SeaGL Talk Proposal Acceptance Email

SUBJECT: [seagl20XX] Proposal accepted!


Dear {name},

Your proposal, {eventtitle}, is accepted for {conference}!

We would like to announce the schedule soon, so please confirm your talk no later than EOD Pacific Time on DATE. You can confirm your talk at {proposalslink} or by responding to this email.

Your submission can be found at: {proposalslink}

We encourage you to share the news of your talk acceptance far and wide! If you tweet about it, please tag @seagl so we can retweet it for you.

We are hoping to record this year’s talks. Please let us know if you would NOT like your talk recorded.

We’re looking forward to seeing you in MONTH!

Best wishes,

{conference} Team


SeaGL Talk Proposal Decline Email

SUBJECT: [seagl20XX] Proposal declined


Dear {name},

Your proposal, {eventtitle}, was unfortunately not accepted for SeaGL this year.

We know you put a lot of time and effort into your proposal and we want to thank you for making our selection process so challenging.

If you would like feedback on your proposal, please email and we will share what we can, as soon as we get a chance. (If everyone asks for feedback, it might take a little while.)

There are many potential reasons why we declined your proposal that have nothing to do with the quality of the topic itself. For instance, it may not have been a good fit for the SeaGL audience, or it was declined because we’re only accepting one talk per speaker.

It’s still a good idea that deserves more exposure. If you would like to share your story, we encourage you to submit your proposal to our friends at as an article idea:

We hope you will plan to attend SeaGL in MONTH. There will be lots of great people like you there to meet and share ideas with.

Thanks again for taking the time to submit a talk proposal. We really appreciate it!

Best wishes,

{conference} Team


SeaGL Talk Proposal Waitlist Email

SUBJECT: [seagl20XX] Proposal Waitlisted


Dear NAME,

Your proposal(s) was highly rated by our reviewers but faced a lot of excellent competition. We would like to include it in the program but ran out of space for it:


We’ve sent out the first round of acceptance emails and anticipate some speakers will not be able to make it, leaving open holes in the schedule where we can fit your talk. This may take a little while as the schedule settles out.

If you would like to remove your proposal from the waitlist rather than wait for a schedule opening, we totally understand. Just reply to this email and we’ll handle that for you.

We hope you will still plan to attend SeaGL in MONTH. There will be lots of great people like you there to meet and share ideas with.

Thanks again for taking the time to submit a talk proposal – we really appreciate it!

Best wishes,

Seattle GNU/Linux Conference 20XX Team