November 7th & 8th, 2025
Love SeaGL and want to help out? Get Involved

Free Lunch! Free Childcare!

Over on Twitter we mentioned that we had some exciting news to share with you soon, and we’re very happy to report that it’s time!

Thanks to the generosity of our friends at Twilio, this year SeaGL is thrilled to provide…

🎉 Free Lunch! 🎉

In past years we’ve been able to provide lunch (pizza) on the second day of the event, but in 2018, thanks to Twilio, we’ll have full, catered lunch on each day of the event!


To make sure we can provide for everyone’s food needs, we need your input. Our partner at Twilio has put together a Google Form to gather folks’ dietary needs. If you’re planning to attend SeaGL in 2018, do us a solid and…

Please fill out this form

Even if you don’t have special dietary needs, that’s still good information for us to have. And if you do have special dietary needs we definitely want to hear from you.

OK, so, that’s a pretty great announcement, but we’re not done yet because (also thanks to Twilio, wowzers!) now we get to announce…

🎉 Free Childcare! 🎉

Never before in the history of SeaGL have we been able to offer childcare to our attendees. We’re over the moon that we can do so in 2018 and we can’t wait to welcome more people to our community because of it. We’ll be offering childcare each day of the event, so you don’t have to worry about choosing one day or the other; you can attend them both!


To make sure we have enough coverage to support everyone who needs childcare to make the most of their SeaGL, we absolutely need you to fill in this form. The last thing we want is to turn people away because we weren’t able to plan enough childcare capacity, so…

Please fill out this form

🎉 Free Is Best! 🎉

With these incredibly generous benefits thanks to Twilio, we’re able to continue our dedication to providing the best Free and open source learning to the community. In 2018 SeaGL offers…

  • FREE attendance (no charge to attend, ever)
  • FREE lunch
  • FREE childcare
  • FREE software

We cannot thank Twilio enough for their help in providing these benefits to the SeaGL community. To be clear, they haven’t simply thrown money at the problem. Twilio believes in free and open source software and its communities and is contributing a great deal of time and effort in helping to organize the lunches and childcare. As a volunteer run and organized event, we value and appreciate the gift of time that Twilio is giving to the SeaGL community.

When you attend SeaGL this year, find a Twilio team member and thank them for their dedicate to free and open source software and its communities.

But before you do that…

Please fill out this form

(no, really, we need this information)