Exploring the Value of Free/Libre Open Source Software
What puts the FLO in Free/Libre Open Source Software? How do traditional value systems apply? Who has been discussing these questions? And where do we go from here?
Nearly every person in the world interacts with and uses FLOSS on a daily basis. However, few have really tried to nail down its “value”. My final year at the University of Washington was spent exploring the field and this presentation will be accompanied by the release of three short essays. I will provide a historical perspective and overview of other scholars work to demonstrate that FLOSS is a model for the future of all information goods.
Please join me on my journey through FLOSS!
Wm Salt Hale, Snowdrift.coop
/?/ Kilted Globetrotter,
Free/Libre/Open Advocate,
and Lifelong Hacker /?/
William Salt Hale, is a Seattle local who studies Technology and Society at the University of Washington (UW) Department of Communication and is the Community Director at Snowdrift.coop. He attends, organizes, and speaks worldwide at: conferences, conventions, events, festivals, and faires; on various topics including: communication, crowdmatching, internet technologies, linux, music, sci-fi/fantasy, security, and windsports. Salt is very approachable and will always be found wearing a kilt.