Debian Software Management
Debian-based package management has been rock solid for many years. Still, there are complexities and nuances to explore.
This talk will be a tour of distribution provided software management tools and features in Debian and Debian-based distributions such as Ubuntu.
Attendees will learn about:
- common software management tools
- features of debian packages
- parts of debian packages
- helper tools
- configuring and reconfiguring software
- prioritizing and pinning software
- upgrades
- snaps
- some differences between Debian and Ubuntu
der.hans, Object Rocket
der.hans is a Free Software, technology and entrepreneurial veteran.
He’s chairman of the Phoenix Linux User Group (PLUG), BoF organizer for the Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE), and founder of the Free Software Stammtisch and Stammtisch Job Nights.
Currently, he’s a Customer Data Engineer at Object Rocket. Most likely anything he says publicly was not approved by $dayjob.