Getting started with Nextcloud
In this presentation I plan to introduce Nextcloud and provide examples of how to get started using it. This will include:.
- History of Nextcloud
- Why should you use Nextcloud instead of Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.
- Ways to get a Nextcloud instance
- Self-hosted at home
- Service provider
- How I use my Nextcloud server
- Cal and CardDav
- Note taking
- File sync
- Online office suite
- Q&A
I am open to this talk being in either a 30 min or 50 min slot. It will scale easily.
Matt McGraw,
Matt McGraw is a stay-home-dad of 3 great kids. He is a technology advocate and full-time Linux user. His passions are self-hosting all the things, security and privacy, and front end web development. In addition, he enjoys sunny beaches, great food, and all forms of storytelling.