November 7th & 8th, 2025
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Glass Beatstation : An open source mobile and modular musical interface for Linux machines and musicians that don't know how to use Linux

SeaGL 2019

As a self-taught/amateur programmer, I was able to use open source programs to start building the versatile and accessible music workstation I’ve long dreamed of called the Glass Beatstation. The fact that I have been able to get this project functional to any degree is a great credit to the FLO (Free/Libre/Open Source) community. In the process I’ve learned about many of the benefits and learning curves of FLO hardware and software. I primarily use Python, Open-Stage-Control, Sooperlooper, Ardour, Puredata and the Kxstudio repositories, and have iterated an extra portable version of the project on raspberry pi. I will share the some of the lessons I have gained in the process: such as how I was able to receive AND share knowledge with Linux users both new and experienced alike in my relatively short lifetime as a programmer. Based on my own experiences, I’ve learned much about bridging the gap between those people already familiar with Linux/FLO technology, and those who aren’t familiar… yet - and I would encourage others to do the same!



Athan Spathas

Athan Spathas

Robotics teacher