November 7th & 8th, 2025
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Playing in the Sandbox

SeaGL 2019

With the high frequency of corporate data breaches and the increased use of invasive tracking software used by modern websites, it is more important than ever to protect your data from unauthorized access. Rigorous coding practices might help developers avoid security bugs, but what can regular users do to keep their data safe when they don’t control the code? In this talk we’ll explore the basics behind using a “sandbox” to create security barriers when using the Internet as well as review practical concepts, procedures, and software that can reduce your risk of exposure online.


Toby Betts

Toby Betts

Toby Betts has been breaking and, when possible, fixing computers since childhood. He has worked as a system administrator, a service engineer, and a free and open-source software consultant for mid- to large-sized businesses for nearly 20 years. His main interests are system security, free cryptography, and fun file systems.
