November 7th & 8th, 2025
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FLOSS daily — but FLO all the time

SeaGL 2021

The important concepts in technology and collaboration that were pioneered by the Free Software Movement are also pertinent beyond software. Both the term “Free Software” and the common acronym FLOSS (Free / Libre / Open Source Software) are limited to software programs. So, we use the broader term FLO to bring our ethical and creative values to a wide range of other areas. FLO values matter in hardware, science and medicine, governance, music and art, and many other domains.

FLO is about people, communities, and cultures rather than about the products themselves. As Cory Doctorow emphasizes, information doesn’t want to be free, people want to be free. That’s why the FLO movement emphasizes people-first principles. FLO encompasses more than licensing and source availability. The FLO world that we wish to see is one in which all of us are both legally and practically able to use, study, adapt, and share creative resources in all the different facets of our lives.

This session will address why FLO matters as a term as well as a movement. The discussion will be facilitated by three FLO advocates who have experience with hardware and (FLOSS) software, community development, music education and performance, fundraising, and beyond. The audience is invited to participate via a live dialog while we explore getting ‘into the FLO’.


Athan Spathas

Athan Spathas

Athan is an educator, artist and developer who has been a advocate of Free / Libre / Open Source ideals since he learned about GNU/Linux in 2015. In particular, Athan is focused on the development of accessible music technology and community. He is also a Luthier who works on microtonal guitars!

Aaron Wolf

Aaron Wolf,

Aaron teaches private music lessons (in Oregon City and Portland prior to covid, now online via Jitsi Meet) and is otherwise an activist and advocate for Free Culture and Free Software.

He is co-founder of the in-progress fundraising platform, which aims to support widespread community patronage of freely-licensed creative works.

Wm Salt Hale

Wm Salt Hale,

/?/ Kilted Globetrotter,
Free/Libre/Open Advocate,
and Lifelong Hacker /?/

William Salt Hale, is a Seattle local who studies Technology and Society at the University of Washington (UW) Department of Communication and is the Community Director at He attends, organizes, and speaks worldwide at: conferences, conventions, events, festivals, and faires; on various topics including: communication, crowdmatching, internet technologies, linux, music, sci-fi/fantasy, security, and windsports. Salt is very approachable and will always be found wearing a kilt.
